
Friday, January 14

Vacay From Blog

I'll be back in April. I'm under a little push to get a few things done so I'm taking a break. See you all soon.

Wednesday, January 5

Jewelry Tip Two: Time vs Organization

As I get more and more into making jewelry I've noticed that overall I'm a crazy crafter. Normally I have two or three pieces being worked on, which means my small work table can get cluttered pretty quickly. Which eats up time when I have to start searching through clutter to find a tube of beads or a piece of wire. Since my work space and storage area are so small, I've had to teach my self to organize. Which truthfully is an ongoing lesson. But Thanks to my wonderful husband helping me find ways that work for me, I have multiple storage trays that fit nicely into a wheeled tote. My working glass seed beads are in separate circular trays that are screwed together to form storage tubes. All this allows me quick organized access to things I need.

I lose less time searching in clutter, but the key to this tip is not being organized but staying organized over time to save time. I've discovered that if I spend a little time properly storing and organizing things, I don't have as many issues later. Especially when I restock basics. If I just toss them on my table I have a chance of not just using up much needed space but also risk misplacing items I might need. Which can truly annoy me when I'm trying to finish a piece. So if I spend a little time keeping my self organized I get more time to finish projects. An added bones is that every time I organize I seam to see bits and pieces that can inspire me for my next project. Inspiration for me goes hand in hand with organized creation.

So to save time spend a little time discovering your system to being organized. For me it's trays, bead tubes, and circular stackable beads trays. Once you have your method spend a little time every week keeping yourself organized. The time will be well spent.

- FKB Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, December 21

Jewelry Making Tip One

Ok, so I've been asked to share a few tips for those who want to start making their own jewelry. First, I must say that I am by far a hobbyist who loves learning so what I know now will change as I grow in the craft. But over the next few weeks I'll release one tip a week. Open discussion on the tip is encouraged.

My first tip is planning vs inspiration:
Many times as I peruse a bead store or craft store I see a bead, charm, or a bit of wire that inspires me. This can be a prefect way to create, if you have everything on hand at home to complete the piece. It's taken me almost two years of adding little bits and pieces to my supplies that a moment of inspiration doesn't hamper my creativity. But when I first started I wasn't so lucky. I'd forget the other items, buy my beads and head home ready to start. Only once there I'd remember all the other things I needed. Then I'd spend another few trips to the stores or Amazon trying to collect all the pieces I need. But by the time I have it all my inspiration is waned a little or even worse I've moved on. This can be devastating if you do it over and over. Eventually you can loose focus on creating completely.

So here's my tip, be inspired but also plan out what you need to complete. If it's a semi-precious beads do you have wire findings, pliers, spacers or complimentary beads, wire, and a planning board? If it's the latest colored seed beads do you have a pattern, bead thread, matching clasp, or even enough beads? When you see that bit of inspiration stop and think for a second. Ask yourself how you want to use it then rattle through what you need and what you have at home. If you need a little bit of inspiration on how to use what's got your fancy take a second to look at a jewelry magazine or how to book. Once you know what you like and you have what you need then go and create.

Side note: Many times I need to go to multiple stores or websites to gather all the pieces I need for a complicated piece. But for me that's half my fun as a crafter. Its also why I have storage boxs full of pieces waiting for that last little bit I see in my mind what I want to create and what I need. I also collect and store bits and pieces that catch my intrest until I have a need for them because I am so selective. But it is so much a downer to get all the beads and stones but not have the findings and wire because I forgot to plan out that part of piece. It always fustrates me to be ready to work but not able. So when you hit inspiration take a moment to plan, I know I do. Below is an example. I had a lot of of seed beads, but it took finding the right base wire to bead around to make this piece. At another store I found the right crystals to highlight the pattern.

- FKB Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, December 16

When It's Cold, Stew Over Chili

Today is a cold winter day, the type were schools declares a snowday. It's also the type in which a slower cooker full of chili just makes you feel better. So today's recipe is my Easy Slow Cooker Chili.

Chili Recipe:
1 Large Can Tomato purée
1 Large Can Diced Tomato
1 Small Can Fire Roasted Tomato
1 Can Corn
1 Bag Kidney Beans
1 lb Ground Beef
1 Chopped Onion
Garlic Salt

I love to season my ground beef and then brown it in the skillet, taking care not to over work the meat. Add all the cans of tomatoes and corn to large crock pot. Add browned beef. Finely chop a onion. I love to season the onion with salt, pepper, and garlic salt. With a little of the Beef grease still in the skillet, brown the onion until they are just turned soft. Add it to crock pot. Add kidney beans, which you should have soaked over night or boiled till soft. Close up the crock and cook on High for 3 hrs or low for 6 hrs.

The heat, peppers and paprika normally found in chili is found in the can of Fire Roasted Tomato. I love this product since it adds depth without me doing a lot of extra work or buying special peppers I only use once on a while. But if you want use the real stuff for a hotter spicer and fresher taste.

To serve my chili I like a dollop of sour cream, a sprinkle of cheese and a few fishy crackers on the side. Why don't you try it and see what you think.

FKB Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, December 2

Holiday Bulb

Like a crazy person I've been beading bulbs left and right until I came down sick again. But now that I'm well and have so little time left before my hubby's FRG auction and my Etsy Holiday showcase I'm going even more bulb crazy. Add on I've got two orders of custom bulbs requested.... But I have to say I'm quite happy working on them. My kids are even helping out by painting the little heart bulbs.

But in celebration of my Etsy show case on December 16th, I'm going to sponsor a giveaway of my favorite bulb.
To win one red & white heart bulb you must comment on this post about what your favorite Christmas ornament is. On December 16th each comment will be entered in a drawing and a winner posted. If you choose to be unknown in the comment but win the bulb I'll need you to contact me via my Facebook page: Crafted By Faith.

Tuesday, November 30

Picture Wows

I've been so wrapped up trying to improve my Etsy shop photos. As I've discovered my little cyber shot takes a great photo but it just doesn't have the clarity for good solid pictures needed for jewelry. But thanks to Dads Canon and his telephoto lens I was able to get really good shots. But that was just the start of the battle. I also had to edit each photo and compress file sizes. Moms idea if using Photo Shop over Pascal was brilliant. Just take a look at this test photo of Moms birthday present:

My little camera could never have pulled off the detail and shading shown. And this piece so deserves a good photo. It's a rich piece of black & amethyst seed beads and large 10mm amethyst pearls. I just love the way the piece flows and how each curve highlight light on the pearls. I loved creating this piece.

A good camera and photo software is so going to be on my wish list. They join a new sewing machine and surger. Someday....

- FKB Posted using BlogPress

Sunday, November 28

Adventure In Brine

First off, thank you everyone who sent me well wishes while I was sick. I'm a lot better but not completely 100%. I don't know why it is but every time I'm fully well I come back down with something. My theory is that it's the Holiday season. It's just so exhausting.

But I do love Turkey day! This year was a little strange in that I didn't do any of the cooking. I only brined a small turkey with the hubby. And let me tell you that was a crazy adventure...I had ice water from one end of the kitchen to the other because the ice chest we used leaked like a sieve. But the brine and bird stayed sealed during the whole process, which included a 2 day soak and a 3 hr car trip. I was a little disappointed in the flavor though. I tried an apple/rosemary recipe from the local butcher, but it was just so bland. Meat was nice and juicy with not a hint of gamey flavor but none of us tasted the apple or rosemary flavors. Might give it another try only change out concentrations of ingredients. Will post the recipe after I experiment. So stay tuned.

- FKB Posted using BlogPress

Sunday, November 14

Pumpkin Cake

With turkey day coming up I'm starting to crave all things pumpkin. From bread to pie. But in the spirit of experimenting with recipes I'm trying to create a cake recipe. First try is a old fastion base cake.

2 cups sugar
1 1/4 cup vegetable oil
4 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups canned pumpkin
2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
2 cups unbleached flour
2 tsp baking soda
3 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt

Mix sugar and oil, blend in eggs. Beat on high for 1 minute. Add vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, and pumpkin. Blend on high for 3 minutes. In separate bowl mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Slowly pour wet ingredients into dry. Stoping to mix ever few minutes. Blend on high for 5 minutes. Grease and flour baking pans. (I like to add parchment paper to the bottom of a pan, it helps me remove the cake at the end.) Bake at 350• for 30 minutes. Be sure to insert a toothpick to test that the center is cooked.
Left you can see my batter is nice and thick. I still did the air bubble shake by shaking my pan and dropping it. (When dropping only raise it about 1 inch from surface and letting go. Don't go to high or you'll get cake batter that jumps the pan.)

For icing I decided to go with my cinnamon butter cream.
Cinnamon Icing:
1 package powder sugar
3 tbl milk
3 tbl butter
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp cinnamon.

Mix powder sugar, butter, vanilla, and cinnamon. While beating add one tbl of milk at a time until a thick creamy constancy is reached. You can add less or more milk to get the constancy you want.

Cool cake, frost and serve. My family enjoyed it with milk and a good movie.

-FKB Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Sunday, November 7

My Pork Drank The Coke-A-Cola

While surfing the web I can across a Naked Boneless Pork Chop recipe. The creator recommended marinating the pork in an acid base such as orange juice, wine, beer, or Coke-A-Cola. Now I've tried wine as a marinade on pork and it was surprisingly good. Moist and tender with a great robust flavor. So thinking healthy I looked in my refrigerator for a marinade base. Would you believe all I had was Cola. So throwing cation to the wind I gave it a try.

1 cup coke-a-cola
1 cup water
1 tbs dried herbs (I used Italian Blend)
1 tsp white pepper
1 tsp salt
1 gallon ziplock bag
4 boneless pork chops

Marinade 5-8 hours in refrigerator. Pull straight from bag onto a grill. I use my handy Forman Grill for 7 minutes on a thine cut chop and 10 on the thick.

Served with chive mashed potatoes and small dinner rolls and you get a great meal. The pork had a great sweet moist taste that I had never tasted before. But the best seller was watching my picky eater down the meat in less then two minutes. If your like me and your willing to be a dare devil give this a try.
Taste Tester Note: The pork was nice and tender with a sweet sausage taste to eat. It's defenitly a new way to serve pork.
FKB Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, November 3

Rolled Sugar Cookies

Experiment cookie day. Today's choice. Alton Browns iced sugar cookie.

1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 tbs milk
3 cups flour
1/4 tsp salt
3/4 tsp baking powder

Mix wet ingredients. Mix dry. Combine. Refrigerate 30 minutes. Roll. Cut. Cook 375 for 10 minutes. Ice and eat.

My families rating was 4 stars. Lite on sugar taste for me. But overall pretty good.

- FKB Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone